Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I have come for you.

postman t shirt shirt
t-shirts made by zazzle
Known the world over for his words of sorrow, hope and grief, the postman now appears before you. Here is the first opportunity for you to own his words on any of these lovely consumer products.
They will generate good will throughout your journey, as that is his intention.
Throughout milleniums, the victim of corporate downsizing, his current lack of means will soon force the postman and his family to transcend the material world into the parallel dimension of his origin.
He sends you love and good wishes while he still remains among us.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I will appear before you very soon.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sainted Blouse

O coffeecup in sainted blouse,

you claim to guide the resource banner.
Hail and hearty,
firm and fine,
the donkey mopes around the house,
while Charlie chips the mid-ship scanner.

Tiger rivers shiver yellow,
it proves to be the shepards way,
with fountain low,
and planet high,
purple, blue and brown anuity,
the petticoat floats by the silver day.

Everlasting flagship tube,
don't stop the crier's township head.
Twist and grab,
then flash and burn,
no plastic pallette apple cube,
the dark cake's father plows ahead.

So it's california waking now,
smoky straw the homeless tail.
Of 51,
or 53,
the answer melts the springing cow,
who beats the broken backward sail.

Advance our plans past picket fence,
the spurring grass lies fallow there,
of near and far,
of mice and men,
the flywheel keeps on going hence,
a hidebound company forms the square.

But leverage on, momentum's form,
the conversations' leaking now,
the particles,
of moisture found,
recession-driven pulpy norm,
are packaged goods of puppy chow.

Outstanding consumer repeat rate,
shifts the parrot dime worldwide.
The funny joke
falls flatter still,
the queen ignores the sandwich plate,
and watches as the worlds collide.

Solvent Devil

Rumors, fears and innuendos, razed the mob mentality,

stiffled laughter camouflaged the inaudible brutality.

It started as a crisis cause, up to the haircut level,
"my views are shadowed, dark and veiled", suggests the solvent devil

It lent the structured moral hazard a look of paltry calm,
the episode's untimely death destroyed the upturned palm.
I wasn't involved with existant risk or capital inadequacy,
but rather, liquid funding models of focused indelicacy

People will react with confidence to the test lab quality,
what happened next is compensation of increased acerbity.
Inherent hope in common good had promptly disappeared,.
and in it's place of prominence the rebel pilgrim cheered.

Tri-party, bell-shaped curve began the fast decline,
a topsy turvy market marker yields the black design.
We began to see the desert tortoise struggle with the crows,
and men of crystal styrofoam reigned down the mighty blows.

Their over weighted shadows put skin into the game,
and tore it off the backs of those who bore the paper shame.
The driest tinder penalized created opaque facts,
complexity in general as the enemy was backed,

Men from mars were magnified, illiquid weakness shown,
at one hundred thousand feet, the black mistakes were blown.
Systemic risk regulators feign interest in the terms,
they encourage bigger bread lines to share instrumental germs,

for access to the discount window is an argument secure,
so scared and bailed bazooka bears and women pale endure.

Big Bubbles

Both extremes in fuzzy times,
A thousand ranks won't work for long.
If dominant factors, simply put,
Will crap on metal engines strong.

The atlas wildly shrugged again,
If you'd been watching the saving flow,
You would have seen the owners balk,
while rummy devils break and blow.

So winds divorced of assets risk,
No personal liablility hammers out,
Abolish roots, big bubbles capped,
The entities simply climb the clout.

Something new can verify this,
From testing speed extremely slow,
You will lose - I don't know when,
Your place will die, the shadow show.

Monday, June 14, 2010

the rotting fruit pulse

At the stove of fierce white notes,
the soup pot stirs its brine.
The tea turns party's mournful fate,
the postman breaks his spine.

Never fall while manner null,
and scale the mighty shore,
he ponders thus, his blood flows fine,
and soup goes out the door.

To catch the whirlwind acid plain,
he runs the trail of red.
Behind him stands the faded pearl,
of terror's black stained bed.

Our dark cake sits,
it's face sewn shut, has whispered secrets nigh.
It throws the gravy lady up,
her forehead hits the sky.

Stay back!
Don't bring the diamonds wide of velvet tears of old.
Your heavy wooden blindfold splits,
she watches through the cold.

No form can enter tidal scene -
she perches on the ridge
of cloud and falsely fabric flies,
regrets fall from the bridge.

Now stooping fast, his heavy hands,
the baby boom box bound,
far older than the simple frown,
the postman hears her sound.

Oh gravy lady,
have a care and pity well this soul,
who toiled the letters furrowed field,
while fathers tales were told.

of sadness silent hidden foul!
of currency experts urged!
of purposeful, but satisfied!
lives worn and wasted surge!

HA! Her mouth mud forms the word
of shameful, sickness slime,
and paints the surface of his face
she sinks his tendril mind.

"Your foolish wound has hoped for more,
your beauty staunches fair?
So perish wide beneath the ground
and join your brethren there."

The rotting fruit pulse, hanging low,
The ROI goes red,
The postman shifts the paradigm,
- to dead.

purple pain

Big news comes but once a year, in hardened hopeless minds.
A killer's face is painted red, misguided, drops behind.

Though piecemeal now, a vein-drawn leaf, its heart bleeds purple pain,
he circles round surveillance crews, ignores the nervous strain.

Tightened fast his large hands grasp, delinquencies abound,
Red luxury pours its constant theme, the new deal sides expound.

Exaggerated-raining time has left the woodland shocked,
the killer stalks the broken ground, where merry miners flocked.

No words can stand the fraud mundane, predictive flags will tear.
No sounds can hold the angry heart, no thoughts contain the square.

Predictive measures indicate the black-box backward point,
Toward sleepy compound cotton caulk and universal joint.

While information burns the thoughts, he fills the bucket high,
the killer looks past the cloudy man and drinks the cool-aid dry.

Withered Wall

The spector reigns like white whipped cream,
the big fold takes the damage.
Slammed against the withered wall,
the think tank breaks the image,

- of prime time piece, the onerous scream,
its recess stewed and groped,
it taped and typed and tuned it well,
the brown stain spread, it hoped.

No salty savior knows it's there,
the summer grass bends low,
but mark my words, he'll pull them up,
from trap doors far below.