Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sainted Blouse

O coffeecup in sainted blouse,

you claim to guide the resource banner.
Hail and hearty,
firm and fine,
the donkey mopes around the house,
while Charlie chips the mid-ship scanner.

Tiger rivers shiver yellow,
it proves to be the shepards way,
with fountain low,
and planet high,
purple, blue and brown anuity,
the petticoat floats by the silver day.

Everlasting flagship tube,
don't stop the crier's township head.
Twist and grab,
then flash and burn,
no plastic pallette apple cube,
the dark cake's father plows ahead.

So it's california waking now,
smoky straw the homeless tail.
Of 51,
or 53,
the answer melts the springing cow,
who beats the broken backward sail.

Advance our plans past picket fence,
the spurring grass lies fallow there,
of near and far,
of mice and men,
the flywheel keeps on going hence,
a hidebound company forms the square.

But leverage on, momentum's form,
the conversations' leaking now,
the particles,
of moisture found,
recession-driven pulpy norm,
are packaged goods of puppy chow.

Outstanding consumer repeat rate,
shifts the parrot dime worldwide.
The funny joke
falls flatter still,
the queen ignores the sandwich plate,
and watches as the worlds collide.

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